California Qualified Rigging And Signalperson Schools

All Purpose Crane Training provides signalperson schools and rigging to California individuals and companies. All Employers should have qualified rigging training throughout hoisting activities for assembly and disassembly jobs (1926.1404(ep)(1)). A qualified rigger can be somebody who may demonstrate the capacity, and also has knowledge, training, and experience, or possesses a degree, certificate, or professional status. He or she should pass an oral or written exam and a test. Employers must use the following options to make sure that a signal person is qualified (see 1926.1428). We help individuals or companies throughout the rigging and signalperson procedure. Our team can assist in the administration of scheduling practical test dates and communicating applications. Our one-stop-shop makes it convenient for people and businesses.

Online Rigging Training

Online Rigging Training Course

The online rigging training program supports small and large telescopic hydraulic, lattice boom crawlers and truck-mounted cranes

Rigging Instructor Course

Qualified Rigging Instructor Course Nationwide

California rigging schools often have a rigging Instructor course

customized for individuals to meet OSHA’s latest standards and regulations.

Qualified Rigging Training

Qualified Rigging Training Requirements

All Employers must have qualified rigging training during hoisting activities for assembly and disassembly work


Get in Touch

California Rigging Schools

Find us at the office

3941 Brockton Ave #2, Riverside, CA 92501

Give us a call

+1 888 501 1355
Mon - Fri, 7am - 5pm

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